Starting now until September 15, park users should enter the park from the south entrance by the ‘WOW’ sculpture while construction takes place. It is recommended to park along Robert D. Ray Dr. and cross the river on foot or by skateboard/skates via the Women of Achievement Bridge. Alternatively street parking can be found near the Iowa Events Center or use the Center Street Parking Garage and cross at the safe, pedestrian crossing at Center Street. To view these recommended parking areas, please refer to the green areas on the map below.
The parking lot will then be constructed to accommodate approximately 100 parking spaces. The lot will include, lighting, landscaping, storm water management devices such as porous pavers and bio-retention cells, public art, and site furnishings.
If you have any questions or would like to submit comment on the project, you may call the Polk County Conservation main line at 515-323-5300. Please ask to speak to Adam.